Sunday, 19 January 2014

Top twenty

Only four and a half sleep last night but with no steroids to take again today hopefully might get some better kip tonight. Managed another trip to the shops for a while and enjoyed the sunshine. Stomach still churning over but sickness tablets keeping things at bay. Recorded another new garden year tick with chaffinch, can't keep getting one a day surely! Up to 20 species now with 11 recorded today including showy dunnocks inspecting the garden for potential nesting sites.
No stargazing last night and no moths again, too wet most of the night.


  1. New garden count - we are now at 21....

  2. Things getting a bit competitive.Hope your doing well Julian.

  3. Cheers john, had a rough day yesterday so didnt do much and back to hospital again today.

  4. Hi John - not competing just comparing - two gardens quite close to each other but different birds! Julian hope the journey to/from the hospital better than last Friday.
